
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area in computer science research that aims to enable computer systems to work intelligently yet autonomously. In recent years, we have witnessed many breakthroughs of innovative AI technologies across diverse domains (e.g., in image recognition, playing Go, predicting protein structure). In the meantime, AI has also permeated into everyday life through a wide range of applications such as virtual assistants, recommendation systems, decision support systems, and self-driving cars. To be better prepared as we step into "the age of AI", it is necessary to understand what AI is and how AI works. This course introduces students to the foundational areas of artificial intelligence and current techniques for building intelligent systems. Topics will include problem solving by search, game playing and adversarial search, logical reasoning, reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, and planning.

Course Logistics

  • Time:
    Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm - 6:45pm

  • Location:
    LILY G126

  • Instructor:
    Ming Yin

What you will learn?

This course will help you...

  • develop understandings of various applications of AI
  • recognize problems where AI techniques are applicable
  • implement and apply basic principles of AI in solutions that require problem solving, inference, learning, and planning
  • understand how to evaluate various AI techniques and make appropriate selections