
This course is an introductory course on human-computer interaction which teaches the fundamental principles and processes underlying the design of useful and usable interactive systems. This course is highly interactive and project-based. Sudents will be engaged in a semester-long, team-based project in creating a high-fidelity prototype of an interactive system (e.g., web application, mobile application) that aims at solving a real-world problem. Through lectures, readings, and project, students will learn how to uncover realistic problems and user needs that can be addressed through HCI methods, how to create iteractive prototypes in response to those needs, and how to iteratively evaluate and improve upon the prototypes based on feedback from potential users.

Course Logistics

  • Time:
    Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:30am-12:20pm

  • Location:
    WTHR 320

  • Instructor:
    Ming Yin

  • Office Hour:
    By Appointment

Should I be interested?

This course should be of interests to you if you...

  • want to get familiar with the general workflow for designing and evaluating human-centered designs.
  • want to learn how to design interactive systems grounded in the principles of usability and human-computer interaction.
  • want to explore the frontier of current research and practices in human-computer interaction.